Step 1

To Take Your Health. To The Next Level?

This is where you will find ways to get essential oils into your home

If you get stuck – send a message, call or find a the next class in the Events section.  

My team and I are committed to health and wellness coaching.  

Thanks for inviting me on your wellness journey.  

Step 2

Become a member

Three Cool Ways to Use Essential Oils

Plant Power by Scent

Get a diffuser, put a few drops in your hands, and other easy ways!

The fastest way to access the emotional center of the brain is by smelling something.

Can you imagine intentionally designing support for you and your family's health and emotional center simply by using Plant Power?

Plant Power by Touch

Topical usage allows us target specific areas of the body (apply the oil where it hurts) but there is so much more to it! I call them Protocols and there are Protocols on this site that you won't find anywhere else. I have been studying what supports healthy inflammatory response, emotion, digestion, hormone health, ease of sleep, and more, for years. I'm happy to share so look around. If you don't find an Essential Oils Protocol you're seeking - reach out! I'll point you to one, or maybe I'll design a new one just for you!

Plant Power from the Inside Out

I used to think essential oils were never for internal consumption - that just isn't true. They just MUST be doTERRA. Get other brands if you want for smelling or topical use but only doTERRA has third party testing for purity required for safe internal consumption. This one thing was the game changer for me. Taking essential oils in capsules, under the tongue, cooking, or in my water daily is critical for me.

Step 3

Contact with Krista

I'm always here to help