8 Day Jump Start
Ready to release weight? Maybe all you need is to ADD some Plant Power! We’re going to see in this 8 Day Jump Start and Weight Loss Challenge what’s possible for you. Sometimes all that is needed is a little push to get started on the path to wellness. We want to help so apply now!
How it works:
If selected you will receive product, take a before picture and complete a before survey
Daily for 8 Days of the Jump Start: Check in with a Health Coach and participate in a Facebook Closed Group
Finish! Complete a post-survey and have a checkup meeting with your Health Coach
I’m In! How do I get started?
Fill out the form on this page and then watch your email if you are accepted for instructions about next steps.
How does the Study work?
If you are interested in the Study, we verify that you are qualified to participate in the study. If you qualify, we will provide all the products necessary to participate. During the Study we will help you identify the best natural solutions possible to support your health goals.
Will I be paid to participate?
You will receive enough free product to participate in the Study. There is no other compensation.
What is required of me?
Daily you are expected to check in with your assigned coach and to participate in the Facebook group. Plan about 15 min for these check ups. You are, of course, expected to use the products you’ll be sent and to play full out in chasing your desired results. Set goals, stick to them, cheer for others, and have fun!
Can multiple people in my household participate?
All the adults in the household may participate but must apply individually.
Can I participate if I am outside the USA?
The Study is only open at this time to participants located in the USA. If you’re interested in participating in an International Study please leave your contact information here and we’ll let you know!
What must I do to qualify?
If you are interested in the Study, we verify that you are qualified to participate in the study via an interview. Fill out the form and details for your interview will be in your email.
The Study is designed to last about 8 days. There are three required meetings. During the Study, time with you Health Coach and daily challenges will be about 15 min a day.
This Study is not conducted by any organization. It is voluntary, non-compensated, participation with education by independent Health coaches including Krista Joy Palmer and team.
Still have questions?
call Krista +801 839 5650
The resources made available by and through are an informational resource for people seeking how to live a healthy lifestyle. The information contained herein and through other sources connected to via or Future Projections LLC is based on the personal experiences of Krista Joy Palmer, shared in the hope that it will spark inspiration and positive change in the reader or participant. Krista Joy Palmer and, or, Future Projections LLCis not a medical doctor or nurse, and does not hold licenses as a registered dietician. Statements on have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of the products, recipes or recommendations are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.