Healthy You, Healthy Biz

Welcome! We are so happy you are here.


You are the wild ones, the ones who know your voice is needed and you have big plans.  No one has to tell you the opportunities are endless and you already know that you feel called to work as an entrepreneur, probably as an author, speaker, coach, or trainer as well!  Your plate is full – so full, in fact, that we know you wear 8 to 10 hats per day switching from selling to accounting, back to selling, facilities management, tech, marketing, and eventually someone has to do the janitorial!  It’s a lot and we’re wondering if you could be supported. 

Something Shiny

Focus.  Mental health.  Creativity.  Physical health challenges including pain, sleep, stress & mood, even digestion are all issues that can be aggravated by stress.  Joy in the journey can be so elusive but what if there is a simple path – not for a whole makeover of mind, body and business – just simple, powerful, and pure support that could be discovered in a couple of weeks?  What would more creativity mean for you?  What would more focus, better sleep, happy-for-no-reason energy, instant possibility of centeredness, or simple & powerful support for a health challenge you’re having mean?  What if it’s possible that expanding your capacity to give your gifts is simple? 


Yes, free.  If chosen for the Healthy You, Healthy Biz Program you will receive free coaching, free product and support for two weeks while you explore Plant Power for your mind, body and soul.  You will also receive Healthy Success Network-approved business coaching daily. 

Journey Together

The Healthy Success Network is a place where healer hearts and servant leaders are collaborating to bring healing to the world both physically and economically.  The work starts with supporting YOU in expanding your capacity.  Because you are the Creators, Krista has designed the maximum value for you in your health and your business.  If selected, you will be invited to, first, receive.  As you feel inspired to bring solutions to the Healthy Success Network you may later be invited to be part of something bigger including supporting others on their journey, collaborations, a podcast, events, referral network and more.  Let’s begin! 

Apply Now

After receiving your application, we will review it. If you meet the qualifications, we will set up a short interview via phone or video conference to discuss the details of the program and answer your questions.


I’m In!  How do I get started? 

Fill out the form on this page and then watch your email if you are accepted for instructions about next steps.  


How does the Healthy You, Healthy Biz Program work?

If you are interested in the Program, we verify that you are qualified to participate in the Program.  If you qualify, we will provide all the products necessary to participate.  During the Program we will help you identify the best natural solutions possible to support your health goals and also support tune ups to your business.  

What is expected of me? 

A meeting to be interviewed for the Program is the first step.  If selected, you will complete a detailed questionnaire and leadership style profile, lasting about 1 hour on your own time.  The Program runs weekdays for two weeks.  During the program you will receive daily 3-5 min health and business training, you will check in with your coach (often via email or text) and participate in daily challenges in the Master Mind Group discussion.  You are expected to be a contributor to the Healthy Success Network with your own ideas and breakthroughs as you feel called to share those – fellow participants are relying on your ideas as well. 


Will I be paid to participate?

You will receive enough free product to participate in the Program.  There is no other compensation.

I have multiple health concerns.  Do I have to choose one to focus on for the Program?

Short answer: Yes.  Many people have multiple health concerns so it’s a great question.  For this Program, you will focus on one health concern that hast the biggest impact on your lifestyle .  

What areas of business will we be “tuning up?”  

From marketing to selling, and creativity to time design, Krista has personally put together a two week system of level-up tools useful for  every business.  The free coaching offered is based on over two decades of startup experience and a successful consulting practice.  The first thing you will receive is a leadership profile.  At the end of the program you will have a private consulting meeting for your business strategy – a dream session for what you are looking to create.  


Can I participate if I am outside the USA?

The Program is only open at this time to participants located in the USA.  If you’re interested in participating in an International Program please leave your contact information here and we’ll let you know!

What must I do to qualify? 

If you are interested in the Program, we verify that you are qualified to participate in the study via an interview.  Fill out the form and details for your interview will be in your email.  

How much of my time will this take? 

The Study is designed to last about 14 days (weekdays).  There are three required meetings.  During the Program, time with your Coach and participation is daily challenges will be about 15 min a day.  

This Program is not conducted by any organization.  It is voluntary, non-compensated, participation with education by independent Health & Business coaches including Krista Joy Palmer and team.  

Still have questions?
call Krista +801 839 5650