Current Project:
Anti-Sex Trafficking of Children in Columbia
Goal: Host 10 children in the USA with adoption-ready families

In Columbia children in orphanages are “aged-out” at just 16 years old.  Because 12-15 year olds have a 1 in 1000 chance of being adopted, they are considered special needs.  They are 60-80% likely to be victims of trafficking at 16, 1 in 5 will be immediately homeless.  Hosting these children in the US gives them a 98% chance of being adopted. 

With your help: 10 children will be hosted here in the USA

What if child-sex trafficking could be prevented?  That’s the purpose of this fundraising project. 

How to Help:

#1 Share the Opportunity to Enroll or Donate, or Both. A single invitation to your friends to check out this project can change lives. Will you share? Scroll to the bottom to share or copy the URL and text your friends now.

#2 Enroll with doTERRA through my office.  Get your health lifted with doTERRA wellness AND get 100% of your product value donated. 
Because I have committed to match and found other match funds, 100% of your product value will be donated. Triple your impact!

You get products I know will bless your health. I grow my business. AND the charity gets 100% of the product value directly to their efforts. 

#3 Donate the amount that is right for you. Your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation. $100 turns into $200 through July 31st 2023!

Contribute whatever you can knowing that no expenses are coming from these fundraising efforts.  Even the cost of processing the payment is covered!  

#4:  Complete 1, 2 AND 3!   
Thank you for whatever feels right for you at this time!

Your Health + My Practice + Charity

This link allows you to add or delete doTERRA products.  Think: essential oils, skin and sun care, cleaning your home, supplements and deals!  You will get a free wholesale account and every purchase comes with free health coaching through my office!  

Win for you + Win for my practice & business + Win for these 10 kids 

After you click the button above, SCROLL DOWN to the PURPLE BUTTON to designate your donation to this project. 
Millions of children are caught in the slavery of sex-trafficking. It’s beyond heartbreaking and can feel overwhelming. 
I don’t know what to do about them all yet but, today, we are inviting you to be part of helping 10 kids get out of harm’s way. 
100% of your funds are 
expense free and matched!

Note from Krista: Why do I do this?

The leverage on the good we can do is sustainable and powerful.  I work through doTERRA because the commitment to healing is so high.  From Co-Impact Sourcing, which helps communities around the world get sustainably lifted from poverty, to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation’s investment in Match Grants and 100% project funding, I simply have never seen a better way to do this much good sustainably.

A community of giving is integral to my organization.  My team and I are passionate about healing, lifting, and freedom.  It takes both health and wealth to free.  I am grateful for every customer, client, coach and donor.  Thank for helping us with the projects we are passionate about supporting.  There is so much power when we work this way to lift each other!

This cause is close to my heart. Are you open to learn more, donate or share?
Please Click to Share!
